Pilio Stones

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Contact us


Main Office:
Address: 6th km of Syki - Volos, Syki Pelion
Phone: +30 6972990497 - +30 6936906919
Coordinates: 39.276783, 23.207159
Email: info@piliostones.gr

1st Branch: Volos
Address: 7th km of Volos - Athens, Alykes Volos
Phone: +30 2421088848 - +30 6936906919
Coordinates: 39.316917, 22.918834
Email: info@piliostones.gr

2nd Branch: Thessaloniki
Address: 25th km of Thessaloniki - N. Moudania
Phone: +30 2392092270 - +30 6977722456
Coordinates: 40.452368, 23.007727
Email: petsaskostas58@gmail.com

Contact Form

Pilio Stones
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